Iconography of the Unicorn from India to the Italian Middle Ages

Tagliatesta, Francesca (2007) Iconography of the Unicorn from India to the Italian Middle Ages. East and West, 57 (1 - 4). pp. 1-191.

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The present study reports on a historical-cultural analysis and field reconnaissance aimed at examining an iconography depicted in mosaic paving and figurative friezes. The iconographic cycle of the unicorn in the various Italian mediaeval artistic contexts summarizes a comprehensive network of historical links that, from India to the Mediterranean, attests the vitality of an imaginary figure spread by iconographic tradition.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Unicorn, Iconography Middle Ages
Subjects:AREA 10 - Scienze dell'antichita' / filologico letterarie e storico artistiche > ARCHEOLOGIA E STORIA DELL'ARTE DELL'INDIA E DELL'ASIA CENTRALE
ID Code:210
Deposited By:Francesca Tagliatesta
Deposited On:12 Apr 2010 09:47
Last Modified:12 Apr 2010 09:47

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