Partial Least Squares for Compositional Data: an approach based on the splines

Gallo, Michele (2003) Partial Least Squares for Compositional Data: an approach based on the splines. STATISTICA APPLICATA . ISSN 1125-1964

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The constrained nature of compositional data gives many difficulties when one performs a multivariate data analysis technique. In literature, to respect the nature of compositional data Partial Least Squares (PLS) based on a Logcontrast PLS was suggesting by Hinkle and Rayen (1995). Moreover this approach presents two principal problems: a very strong assumption of strict positive and the curvature that generally the compositional data present. To resolve them, we present an alternative method based on a particular spline transformation of the compositional data and a constrained version of the PLS. Finally an application on Customer Satisfaction (CS) data is given.

Tipologia del documento:Articolo
Parole chiave:Compositional Data, Constrained Partial Least Squares, Regression spline
Settori scientifico-disciplinari del MIUR:AREA 13 - Scienze economiche e statistiche > STATISTICA
Codice identificativo (ID):318
Depositato da:Prof. Michele Gallo
Depositato il:28 Set 2010 22:18
Ultima modifica:28 Set 2010 22:18

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