Authenticity, Postmodernity, and Translation: The Debates around Han Shaogong’s Dictionary of Maqiao

Iovene, Paola (2002) Authenticity, Postmodernity, and Translation: The Debates around Han Shaogong’s Dictionary of Maqiao. Annali dell’Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”. Rivista del Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici e del Dipartimento di Studi e Ricerche su Africa e Paesi Arabi, 2002 (62). pp. 197-218. ISSN 0393-3180

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In this article the author makes an attempt to show that the so-called ‘Maqiao debate’ – raised by critics claiming that Han Shaogong’s Dictionary of Maqiao was an imitation of Dictionary of the Khazars edited by the Serbian writer Milorad Pavic – not only revealed the anxiety concerning foreign influences on Chinese contemporary literature, but also touched on such issues as the function of literature in contemporary society, the relationship between literary themes and ideas of national authenticity, and the reception of postmodern theory in the Chinese literary field.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Maqiao debate, Han Shaogong, Dictionary of Maqiao, Dictionary of the Khazars, Milorad Pavic
Subjects:AREA 10 - Scienze dell'antichita' / filologico letterarie e storico artistiche > LINGUE E LETTERATURE DELLA CINA E DELL'ASIA SUD-ORIENTALE
ID Code:474
Deposited By:opar
Deposited On:31 Mar 2011 00:39
Last Modified:31 Mar 2011 00:45

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