Simple component analysis based on RV Coefficient

Gallo, Michele - Amenta, Pietro - D'Ambra, Luigi (2006) Simple component analysis based on RV Coefficient. In: Data Analysis, Classification and the Forward Search. Statistical theory and methods, 1 . Springer, BERLIN, pp. 93-102. ISBN 3-540-35977-X

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Among linear dimensional reduction techniques, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) presents many optimal properties. Unfortunately, in many applicative case PCA doesn't produce full interpretable results. For this reason, several authors proposed methods able to produce sub optimal components but easier to interpret like Simple Component Analysis (Rousson and Gasser, (2004)). Following Rousson and Gasser, in this paper we propose to modify the algorithm used for the Simple Component Analysis by introducing the RV coefficients (SCA-RV) in order to improve the interpretation of the results.

Tipologia del documento:Contributo in un libro
Parole chiave:Principal components, Dimensionality reduction methods, Interpretability 
 of components, Simplicity, RV coefficient.
Settori scientifico-disciplinari del MIUR:AREA 13 - Scienze economiche e statistiche > STATISTICA
Codice identificativo (ID):702
Depositato da:Prof. Michele Gallo
Depositato il:19 Ago 2011 09:31
Ultima modifica:19 Ago 2011 09:31

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