On Non-Serious Talk: Some Cross-Cultural Remarks on the (Un)importance of (not) Being Earnest

Vincent Marrelli, Jocelyne (1994) On Non-Serious Talk: Some Cross-Cultural Remarks on the (Un)importance of (not) Being Earnest. In: Pretending to Communicate (edited by Herman Parret). Foundations of communication and cognition . Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New York, pp. 253-275. ISBN 3-11-011832-7

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Item Type:Book Section
Subjects:AREA 10 - Scienze dell'antichita' / filologico letterarie e storico artistiche > LINGUA E TRADUZIONE - LINGUA INGLESE
ID Code:239
Deposited By:Prof. Jocelyne M. Vincent
Deposited On:28 Apr 2010 12:02
Last Modified:28 Apr 2010 12:02

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