Rec. a Uliyar Padmanabha Upadhyaya and Suseheela P. Upadhyaya, Dravidian and Negro-African. Ethno-Linguistic Study on their origin, diffusion, Prehistoric contacts and common cultural and linguistic heritage, Rastrakavi Govind Pai Research Inssitute, Karnataka 1983, 122 pp.

Sorrentino, Antonio (1985) Rec. a Uliyar Padmanabha Upadhyaya and Suseheela P. Upadhyaya, Dravidian and Negro-African. Ethno-Linguistic Study on their origin, diffusion, Prehistoric contacts and common cultural and linguistic heritage, Rastrakavi Govind Pai Research Inssitute, Karnataka 1983, 122 pp. Annali dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”. Rivista del Dipartimento Del mondo classico. Sezione Linguistica, 1984 (6). pp. 371-375. ISSN 11250240

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Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Linguistica, Dravidian and Negro-African. Ethno-Linguistic Study on their origin, diffusion, Prehistoric contacts and common cultural and linguistic heritage
Subjects:AREA 10 - Scienze dell'antichita' / filologico letterarie e storico artistiche > GLOTTOLOGIA E LINGUISTICA
ID Code:734
Deposited By:operatore 1
Deposited On:24 Aug 2011 10:53
Last Modified:24 Aug 2011 10:53

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